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Vuodenaikataiteilija kesä 2020 Paavo Halonen

”Työskennellessäni tutun ja arkisen materiaalin kanssa, nimeän materiaalin ja sen jo tunnetun yhteyden maailmaan uudelleen. Määreen poistaminen vapauttaa. Auttaa löytämään syvempiä merkityksiä.”

I come from Enonkoski, a small rural parish in Savo-Karelia, near Russian border.  My roots appear in my work; the materials I use is often picked either from forests or the lakeshore or found forgotten in the city alley’s corner. However, even though I often return to this safe area of birthplace and heritage in my work, I filter it through the rich cultural layers.

In recent years, I have spent long periods of time in Vietnam, Hong Kong, Paris, Tatarstania… And a feather of a bird found in Hanoi can easily be blended into the crane feathers picked up from the marshlands of Savolax.

I studied at Savonlinna Secondary School of Art and Music and later in Turku Arts Academy. One of the most influental teachers I had was Ismo Kajander; we share an interest towards the used, old, worn over – materials and objects which show the life lived and passing of time, although our approach is different. I have also studied e.g. glass blowing, lithography, wood cutting and goldsmithing. The best way to learn has been to work and try different materials and approaches to achieve desired effect.

My exhibition philosophy is to look for interesting spaces and make these natural and holistic entities. I would like to present my works also in places that are not primarily considered as exhibition spaces.

www.paavohalonen.com (Vieraile ulkoisella sivustolla. Linkki avautuu uuteen välilehteen.)

Paavo Halonen, Pisto.
Paavo Halonen, Bad Harvest.